How to: Make Hot Fudge Brownies in the Crockpot

Greetings, cooks!

Seeing as this will be my last food blog of the semester, I decided we should go out with a bang! And what better way to go out with a bang than with my favorite dessert of all time, hot fudge brownies! Now, this is something that, until recently, I baked in the oven. However, there are way too many times when I really want brownies, but don’t feel like doing the whole baking thing. So, I figured out how to use our favorite kitchen appliance, the crockpot!

  • 20 oz pkg brownie mix, prepared
  • 1 cup chocolate syrup
  • 1 cup hot (not boiling) water
  • Optional Toppings: vanilla ice cream, thawed frozen whipped topping, maraschino cherries, sprinkles
  1. Spray your crock pot with cooking spray
  2. Pour your brownie batter in your crock pot, spreading evenly
  3. In a bowl, combine your chocolate syrup and water and pour over your batter
  4. Cover and cook on high for 2½ – 3 hours (or low for 6-7 hours), until the edges are just set
  5. Take off the lid and let it stand for 30 minutes so the middle can set up
  6. Serve with your favorite topping

The first time around, you’ll want to start checking in on it after two hours on high or after about five hours on low. Each crockpot is just a little bit different, so cooking times my vary.

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