Prominent Baseball Star Looking For Less Time On His Suspension

New York Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez, once a celebrated man in the major leagues, is now looking to turn the page on a long and grueling duel with major league baseball. Arod as most people would refer to him as has been linked to using performance enhancing drugs and as a result was given a full year (162 games) suspension. Rodriguez’s attorney has been on a mission to completely have the suspension thrown out and alleviate all wrong doing for his client. Alex Rodriguez, though, has come out and said that he has indeed took performance enhancing drugs and is suing major league baseball on the notion that his rights were violated relating to the players union. As a result Rodriguez is seeking not only a wash of his 162 game and 2014 playoff suspension but damages as he states that major league baseball has halted his “right to a living.” Alex Rodriguez is no stranger to the spotlight, and neither is his paycheck. Rodriguez, before endorsement deals, makes $25 million a year and receives $6 million for every person he passes on the all time home run list. What makes this story so interesting is the fact that Arod was once the face of a past time. Now, it is hard to see how this man can expunge his vastly growing record of lying to not only major league baseball but the nation. Rodriguez still might not be out of the clear as baseball commissioner Bud Selig is looking to connect Rodriguez to a 2009 instance where Rodriguez allegedly took PED”S from Dr. Anthony Galea who was convicted in 2011 for bringing in illegal drugs from outside the United States. As we look back at the career of Rodriguez, we won’t see the accolades, we won’t see the greatness he once brought. We will see what Selig wanted all along, punishment the people who disrespected the game and to get rid of drugs in baseball all together.

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