In todays media it is no longer about bringing the truth to light. Everything seems to be about making yourself look better instead of uncovering the truth even if it is shameful. Journalists are all about reporting the “sexy” story that will sell, not the truth about a government agency or official unless it’s scandalous. They have to give the people what they want. People may say they want to know the truth, but their definition of the truth is blurred by society. Instead of the old days where there were nine journalist in a government agency strictly for reporting there is now only one left. As they say the watchdogs have left their post.
It seems journalist used to care more about the government doing right by the people making sure it was exposed if not for the better. Now they hide from reporting those stories to give us more on scandal in the white house. These things that us as citizens care more about. It is sad the way society is today and the issues we care for. We as a nation need to start looking more at the real important aspects of our country and not the superficial stories that aren’t going to make a difference in our world. If we draw our attention to the real stories maybe then our journalists will start to take watchdog journalism serious again. If we show a need to want the truth in our media maybe things can change for the better.