Author Archives: paul carrington

Upcoming video game gives “dying” a whole new meaning

Typically, dying in a video game isn’t a big deal. It might come with a consequence, like losing your items, or having to start at your last checkpoint, but a new video game is taking dying to a whole new …

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#Day1 program pushes to stop cyberbullying before it starts

In a society where social media creates a larger opportunity for bullying, a new campaign is making an effort to prevent bullying from taking place on the internet. Statistics state that more than 3.2 million students identify with being victims …

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Sixteen-year-old opens his own restaurant after impressing many

A sixteen-year-old culinary arts mastermind by name of Flynn McGarry will be opening his first restaurant called: Eureka, in New York City. His business is said to be opened three days a week in West Village, presenting customers with a …

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McDonald’s set to offer all-day breakfast nationally

The fast-food giant McDonald’s will no longer have to serve the rush of customers trying to meet the 10:30AM cut-off time for their globally known breakfast menu. Last Tuesday, company officials announced that they will release an all-day breakfast menu, …

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Will retail stores soon become obsolete?

It seems that the trend of online shopping is becoming more and more prevalent.  Why cruise a crowded Publix at 6:00 pm when you get off work, when you can simply order the food online and have it delivered to …

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Creating, Deleting, Re-creating, re-deleting your Facebook Page. An Art that takes Subtlety.

Now-a-days everyone has a Facebook page.  Heck, my 5 year old niece even has one.  One thing that I find interesting and boarderline ridiculous are the number of people I see who create a page, try it out for a …

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Call of Duty? I would rather take a doody.

With Black Ops 2 coming out this week, I just couldn’t resist.  I can remember playing this game for the first time back in 2007 when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was on shelves.  I was blown away by the …

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Cyber Monday takes over Black Friday.

With the holidays right around the corner, most people have begun their strategy when it comes to tackling the demands of Christmas shopping.  The “Holy Grail” of these shopping days is traditionally Black Friday.  The day after Thanksgiving when desperate, …

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The Good Ol’ Days or Just Blind Ignorance?

Today we often joke about going back to a simpler day, when we weren’t all consumed by our multimedia devices. I personally have said for years that I feel like an old soul, who would fit in much better in …

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Amanda Todd Driven to Suicide by Online Bullying

In September, Amanda Todd,  a 15 year old girl, posted a You Tube video, in an attempt to cry out for help. In the eight minute video she tells the story of how over the course of 3 years she …

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