Category Archives: General

A Mother Get’s Arrested After Her Child Is Found Alone And Digging In Trash.

A mother from Sanford, Florida was arrested on Monday April 21, 2014 after they found her daughter alone in a busy street. Her daughter was found across the street from the hotel where they were living, more than 100 yards …

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16-year old Surprisingly Survives A Five hour flight to Hawaii in flights Wheel well!!!

A 16-year-old apparently hitched a ride from San Jose, California, to Maui, Hawaii, in the landing-gear wheel well of a Boeing 767, Hawaiian Airlines Sunday morning . The first sign something was off was when the ground crew at Kahului …

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High School Student Asks Miss America To Prom and Gets Suspended From School, but the Social Media Backlash May Change Things

A senior at Central York High School in Pennsylvania caused a whirlwind of online outrage after he was suspended for not taking school administrators’ orders seriously and asking Miss America to the prom during a school assembly Thursday.

Patrick Farves, …

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Government’s Problem with Militias: The repercussion of backing down

Recently in Nevada, a cattle rancher who has refused to pay the federal government for the use of their land, had his cattle returned to him by the FBI as protestors and militia members threatened to cause mass violence and …

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Healthy Choices to Mix Things Up!

Everyone wants to have a healthy option when going out for lunch with friends, or when looking for a new place to try. While there are many fast food places and popular chain restaurants, most people are looking for something …

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South Korean divers retrieved three bodies from inside a sunken ferry overnight, 36 confirmed dead

South Korean divers retrieved three bodies from inside a sunken ferry overnight, officials said on Sunday, the first time they have been able to gain entry to the passenger section of the ship.
What was a search-and-rescue mission has now …

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How Denver Has Faired Since Legalizing Marijuana

It has been 3 months since Colorado legislature made the decision to legalize marijuana.  Many politicians in Denver including the Mayor Michael Hancock fought the legalization claiming that legalization would lead to a rise in crime.  People on both sides …

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Making and editing a film, the basics.

Most people think they have “it” when it comes to making a film. Most people think its just point and shoot and you can “do everything in post.” I’m here to tell you that this isn’t the case ad to …

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Casual Cannabis Users Beware: How mild use of cannabis is supposedly bad for your health

Today I read an article focusing on the negative aspects of the casual use of marijuana. Supposeidly causal users experience adverse effects from the minimum use of smoking cananbis. Physiscians have stated that smoking cannabis only on occaions causes stimulation …

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2014 MTV Movie Awards Winners!

Last Sunday the MTV Movie Awards was on live hosted by Conan O’Brien. There were many celebrities that attended including Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Mark Wahlberg and Jonah Hill. Along side the movie stars there was musical performances by Ellie …

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