Donations Needed for Knights Helping Knights Pantry

The Knights Helping Knights pantry (KHK) is in desperate need of food and clothing donations. The donations go towards feeding hungry UCF students and also provides those students with professional clothes for job interviews.

This semester alone the KHK pantry has distributed over 2700 pounds of food and needs donations to replenish their shelves. They are also looking for gently used professional clothing to be provided to students who are looking for a job.

Currently the College of Science is in competition with several other colleges on campus to see who can get the most donations. If the College of Science meets their goal, they will be honored at a Knights basketball game during the Spring semester. The College of Science has also named, the KHK pantry as their official philanthropy during UCF’s 50th year celebration.

It is easy to donate with several donation boxes that have been set up all over campus. A list of the donation box locations can be found at the KHK Pantry Website. There are also two locations inside the Nicholson School of Communication building in the main entrance and in the main office.

By donating you not only help your fellow classmates in the classroom but also at home. It doesn’t take too much time to look over items in your kitchen to donate or clothes that you can no longer wear. Even the next time you go to the grocery store, spend an extra $5 and pick up a few items for the pantry. While the amount seems small, even a little bit helps and your donation can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

Also if you find yourself in need, the KHK pantry is there to assist all students.

Currently the pantry is looking for the following items:

Food Items Wish List:

·         Protein items, such as canned tuna and chicken

·         Peanut butter

·         Canned fruit

·         Pasta and sauce

·         Macaroni & cheese

·         Ramen

·         Hamburger and tuna helper

·         Pancake mixes

·         Cake and brownie mixes

·         Cereal

·         Cereal bars

Personal Care Items Wish List:

·         Soap or body wash

·         Deodorant (men and women)

·         Body lotion

·         Shampoo and Conditioner

·         Toothbrushes and toothpaste

·         Mouthwash

·         Toilet paper


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