FIU Fraternity takes “Getting Real” too far

Right as the fall 2013 semester started, Florida International University, located in Miami, began to make news stories involving a scandal that occurred with one of their fraternities. Early in the week, the Pi Kappa Alpha Facebook page began revealing dozens of nude photos of some ladies that attend FIU. These pictures were all acquired from boys on campus who had received nude pictures from the various girls. The page also had conversations regarding actions of hazing, drug use, the selling of drugs, and trafficking. There were even brothers commenting on the nude photos, judging the girls or giving extra details about them. I am from Miami and several of my close friends attend FIU. Two of my best friends are a part of a sorority and know a lot about the situation. The fraternity, also known as “Pike”, has had quite the reputation of being a disruptive and misbehaving group of guys. They have got into trouble for giving alcohol to minors, vandalizing property, and mistreating pledges. To their classmates they seem to be the wildest group of boys, that throw the best parties, but that does not help the image of a university. Now the whole nation knows about FIU from CNN, but not for a positive story. The Facebook page was a public embarrassment on behalf of the school and does not speak well of their greek life. Needless to say, Pike has crossed the line in this last controversy and has been suspended for five years from FIU.

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