Tag Archives: Advertising

Verizon Will Now Track You on all Devices and Share Data with Marketers

If the recent creepy headlines this year about Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, and more corporations giving all of your information to the NSA didn’t bother you enough, you’re in for a ride. Verizon wireless, one of the biggest broadband and telecommunications …

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“The Internet Of Everything” The Next Big Step In Advertising Innovation

At South By South West, there are a huge number of sessions dedicated to marketing. With the presentation of new technologies, there also comes a need to market them to the public. The latest innovations are actually just everyday things …

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Sorry Twitter, You Missed Your Chance

The giant social media networking and microblogging service missed out on a huge opportunity to build an empire that would have yielded huge revenues for years to come.  By all means Twitter people will make their money, but it’s a …

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Attractive, Simple, and Clear Advertising

On most every web page we are confronted with advertisements. I am so familiar with their presence now that I’ve gotten into the habit of ignoring them, or mostly just skimming over their contents and features. Intrusive, busy, and, for …

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Ad Block is Not Just Blocking Ads, it’s Blocking Revenue Too

Nowadays, you cant go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something and the Internet is no different. Go to pretty much any website on the Internet and you will see an advertisement somewhere on the page. These range from …

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The Necessary Evil of Advertising in Politics

When it starts to get closer to election season most people can’t wait for it to be over so they don’t have to see the political advertisements anymore. Whether they are on television, radio, or the internet, they are everywhere. …

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Advertising in the Age of Social Networks: A Virtual Gold Rush?

In the article “The Revolution of Will Not Be Monetized” by Bob Garfield, he asserts that in the era of huge internet properties such as Google’s Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, which have sold for billions on the open market, sky …

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The Problem with Online Advertising

To most people in this day and age advertising online seems like an obvious route. We all use the itnernet and we all see how many ads are there. We realize them especially when we try and watch videos on …

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