Category Archives: General

First Lady Michelle Obama Taking Big Leaps for “Let Girls Learn” Initiative

In March, President and First Lady Obama announced the creation of the “Let Girls Learn” initiative – a campaign dedicated to bringing education to the sixty-two million girls around the world who are not in school. Mostly adolescents, these girls …

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Should Christians carry a bible and a gun?

In the wake of the deadly Oregon shootings on yet another college campus, this time targeting Christians, I ask, should Christians start carrying guns? I am not an advocate of guns, however, with the senseless killings continuing to rise, and …

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Selma Blair Plays Kris Jenner in American Crime Story

Selma Blair is apparently a member of the Kris Jenner fan club. The actress, who plays the momager in FX’s upcoming series American Crime Story: The People vs O.J. Simpson, tells US Weekly that, “I happen to love Kris …

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Disclosure is The Future of Music, Now.

British Electronic band, Disclosure dropped their second studio LP, Caracal, and the Internet has praised it as much as it has unappreciated it. The Electronic duo received a Platinum Certification for their debut LP, Settle, back in 2013, 

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Why is Digital Revolutionizing The Film Industry?

It’s beginning to feel strange calling the Film Industry, the Film industry when we are shooting less and less on film. Digital has become the new standard. And why is that? How is that? How has the “Gold Standard” of …

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Fun & Cheap Craft Idea for any Rainy Day!

I did this the other day with my boyfriend when it was thunder storming. We had to stay inside so I thought we’d make it fun! We watched a few really good movies while making this! It’s super easy, fun, …

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US Cargo Ship El Faro Missing because of Hurricane Joaquin

A United States cargo shipped called the El Faro departed from Jacksonville last Tuesday the 29th, when Hurricane Joaquin was still a tropical storm off of the coast. The cargo ship, which had 33 crew members- 28 from the United …

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Recently Announced ‘Peeple’ App Met with Heavy Criticisms

Imagine a world where you could review you friends, family and enemies, thereby attaching a glowing endorsement or a scathing condemnation to their name. That is what the recently announced app Peeple sets out to make possible. The app which …

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Ken Jeong’s new primetime series breaking barriers for Asian Americans everywhere.

The past couple of years have seemed to be slightly darker than the years prior, and by darker I mean negativity such as mass shootings, unnecessary killings that may have stemmed from race issues, and war have seemed to be …

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Oregon school shooting renews debate on concealed carry in Florida colleges

There has long been a legislative push to force state colleges to allow concealed weapons on Florida campuses, but the most recent shooting at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon has brought the issue back to the forefront.

A new …

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