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Category Archives: General
Seattle Seahawks v. New Orleans Saints Overview
Seattle Seahawks v. New Orleans Saints Overview
Tonight the Seahawks faced the New Orleans Saints at home. A win against the Saints would give the Seahawks home field advantage in the post season. With the best record in the NFL …
Remembering About a Time I went to My Church, And Seeing How The Heart And Passion of my Pastor Has Become Alive in The Past Few Years
I remember a service I went to The Calvary, a small Church located in Orlando, Florida, about five years ago; the general pastor came on stage and talked about the importance of being part of a church and talked about …
Rest in Peace, Paul Walker<3
This past Saturday, November 30th, a famous actor was involved in a car crash that tragically ended his life. The unfortunate actor was Paul William Walker IV, who starred in films such as ‘The Fast and Furious’ series which he …
Posted in Entertainment, General, World News
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Man sentenced to 39 years for infecting dozens with hepatitis C
Earlier today in New Hampshire, David Kwiatkowski was sentenced to 39 years in prison for intentionally infecting at least 46 people with the hepatitis C that he carries.
Prior to his arrest, Kwiatkowski was a cardiac technologist and has worked …
Police helicopter mysteriously crashes through the roof of a local pub in Glasgow
It was 8:20 pm when the helicopter took off from a Glasgow helicopter on a call out. The crew aboard the helicopter were involved in the search for a suspected trespasser on the railway lines one mile south of the …
Posted in General, World News
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Speeding New York Train Derails, Killing Four, Injuring Many
At 7:22AM Sunday morning, a metro-north train in New York was derailed, killing four people and injuring 63, 11 of those critically. First responders arrived on scene near the Spuyten Duyvil train station in the Bronx within minutes. Rescuers attempted …
Posted in General, Science and Technology
Tagged Bronx, crash, Derail, Metro, New York, Spuyten Duyvil, Train
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Red-Light Camera Appeals in Orlando
Red-light cameras, which generate millions in ticket revenue for Florida cities, have caught more than 45,000 drivers at intersections in the Orlando Area since July 1. Most drivers caught by red-light cameras are not dangerous but were cited tickets because …
Smoking Cigarettes Can Help Prevent Ulcerative Colotis
There’s a new study that’s come out revealing a previously dangerous hobby as a preventive cure. The cigarette has been bashed in recent years for it’s copious amounts of toxic chemicals. They now are required to offer a surgeon generals …
Finals: The Worst Week for Students
Every semester students spend all semester working at their classes, some more then others but none the less putting forth the effort to be one semester closer to graduation. At the end of every semester students are faced with the …
Pensions, Real Wages, And Paid Vacations Are Vanishing From American Culture
America is not the same way it used to be back in the day. The norms of our older siblings, parents, and grandparents are disappearing as the United States continues to evolve. These evolutions are being seen in lifestyle, habits, …