Tag Archives: Journalism

Video Game News Site ‘Kotaku’ Blacklisted by Big Name Publishers.

This week the editor-in-chief of the popular gaming news site Kotaku wrote a letter to his readers informing them that the website has been blacklisted by two big name video game publishers. The editor, Stephen Totilo, felt it necessary to …

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Have the Watchdogs Abandoned Their Posts?

It is well known that one of the media’s main purposes is to keep our government in check. As the trite saying goes, journalists are the “watchdogs” of Washington. However, according to Jodi Enda in Capital Flight, “Watchdog reporting …

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A Trend That Will Never Disappear: Journalism

Millions of blogs, podcast, and articles are visible to anyone with a computer today. With the single click of a mouse or smart phone, a user can access publications the minute they are released. As convenient as the rapidness of …

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The Revolution of Journalism

Today in class we learned about how journalism has evolved overtime and how the roles are changing. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a journalist is “ a person engaged in journalism, especially a writer or editor for a news medium.”  The …

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The Need for Speed in Journalism

With the recent events during the Boston Marathon, something I noticed was extra caution with revealing information from most news stations. While my sister and I watched she kept asking me how nobody knew anything about what was going on …

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The Difference Between Borrowing Material and Plagiarism in the World of Journalism

Today in my Electronic Journalism class we talked about journalist borrowing material from other journalist and what are the do’s and don’t of borrowing information.

It is true that most journalists do borrow stories from one another all the time …

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Your Degree Can Open Up a Window of Opporunities

Today in my Electronic Journalism Class 2, there was a young lady who came in and said she wanted us to watch her tape. She played her tape on the computer and it was a video from US Today. The …

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Graphic Photos Becoming More Available

For those of us who still pick up a newspaper in the morning, the very few of us left, we are being exposed to photos that are much more graphic in nature than in the past. We can look to …

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Children, hide your eyes!

Have you ever given your attention to the little ratings square at the beginning of a tv show? The common ones are things like G (general audience) or PG (parental guidance suggested), but depending on the channel you might see …

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The Internet Ruined Everything… for Journalism

The internet has it pros, but just like everything it has it’s cons as well. A huge problem with the internet is the amount of FREE information available. For those in the journalism world, we struggle trying to make this …

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