Tag Archives: technological advancement

370 MPH Soon To Be Achieved Without The Aid of Gasoline.

This summer automobile company Venturi will attempt to break the current land speed record for a batter-powered car that stands at 307 mph currently set by there previous model Venturi VBB- 2.5. The new model Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3 (VBB-3) …

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Mobile Banking Leading to the End of Bank of America’s Drive-Through Teller Banking Lanes

America is turning to technology for just about everything these days. However, there is less dependence on the desktop for online needs, as most people rely on smartphones. Mobile Banking has become a prominent app and the number of mobile …

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Expectations of the Past’s Future, 2012

As I effortlessly type on my lovely 2011 Toshiba laptop, I can only imagine what computers were like twenty years ago. Around the year I was born. The HD-projected, user-friendly, light-weight piece of machinery is probably incomparable to the first …

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