The Film BFA is a limited-access program. Only a select number of students are invited to join the program each year. The application process for this track requires submission of a portfolio which highlights the student’s creative work.

What is the BFA Program?

The Film BFA program and its faculty nurture a spirit of problem solving and critical-creative competencies that prepare students to produce technically, aesthetically, and ideologically coherent work on limited means–a fundamental skill for success as a micro-budget filmmaker. In short, the BFA is not for the faint of heart, and its graduates demonstrate exceptional skill in navigating the challenges inherent to micro-budget filmmaking.

Application Expectations

Applying to the film BFA is a competitive process and acceptance is extremely limited. We seek students with a record of excellence who can demonstrate a rigorous commitment to their studies, a strong sense of film history, and a passion for advancing their creative goals in film. Competitive applicants will demonstrate a commitment to advancing their filmic voices and overall abilities as storytellers & filmmakers. Applicants must demonstrate an ability to work well in small and diverse production teams, and support inclusive collaboration on both their principal projects and their peers’ projects. The BFA requires intensive collaboration, the ability to problem-solve in small teams, and strong time-management skills.

Expectations of BFA Students

Students who graduate with a BFA in film can expect to complete film projects that demonstrate technical, aesthetic, and stylistic excellence–work that reflects the unique creative vision of its makers. Final capstone projects will be festival-ready work and students will gain the competencies and skills necessary to navigate the industrial and commercial aspects of creative film practice. You will be held to our professional expectations on everything from attendance to academics to ethics.


Application Process

Applicants must be in the Film B.A. major or Film BFA Pending major at UCF. Students whose portfolios are accepted and are admitted into the Film BFA program will begin taking Film BFA-specific courses in the fall semester following admission into the program. Students cannot begin these classes in the spring or summer semesters. Students must meet requirements and complete prerequisite courses prior to admission (see “Eligibility” below)

1. Assemble the Portfolio

The portfolio must meet all the specifications listed in the portfolio specifications below. Portfolios that do not meet the requirements will not be considered. All sections of the portfolio must be submitted online.

2. Submit the Portfolio

The Film BFA Application must be completed online via Accepted and include your portfolio. The application is open for submissions from Monday, November 27, 2023, until Friday, December 8, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Submit at There is a $35 non-refundable application fee.

3. Announcements

When the selection committee completes its review by the end of February, students will be notified by email indicating whether they have been accepted, denied or put on the alternate list. Accepted applicants must follow the directions in the email to confirm acceptance. Should accepted students decline or fail to confirm acceptance, the position will be given to an alternate. Alternates may be notified as late as the start of the fall semester.

4. Declare your Major

If you are accepted into the Film BFA program, you will be notified via email with instructions for changing your major.


You must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Currently enrolled at UCF in the Film B.A. or BFA Pending major
  • Sophomore status or above (minimum 30 credits completed overall)
  • Complete the following prerequisite courses by August 2025 FIL 1007 Foundations of Story, FIL 2030 History of Motion Pictures, FIL 2424 Intro to Film Production, FIL 2552 Editing 1, FIL 2107 Script Analysis, FIL 2534 Sound Design 1, FIL 2461C Cinematography 1
    • Students must complete the following courses at either UCF or an accredited institution that offers equivalent course content with an average GPA of at least 3.75 across these gateway classes: FIL 2030, FIL 2424, FIL 1007, and FIL 2107.
    • Students must achieve a grade of at least “A-” (3.75) in FIL 2030 and FIL 2424, and no grade below a “B” (3.0), FIL 1007 and FIL 2107.
    • All course attempts will be calculated in the pre-major GPA. Students who attempt a pre-major course for a third time should seek advisement before enrolling to learn about how the third attempt may impact progress toward graduation.
    • A student’s academic catalog year guarantees their graduation requirements, but not their admission requirements. All pre-majors in Film (Film BA Pending) are held to the current admission standards. This is applied to both native and transfer students.

Portfolio Specifications

Your submission must include items I–IV:

I. Degree Audit

Submit a complete copy of your current myKnight Audit. This must reflect grades for all completed courses as well as overall UCF GPA. Login to myUCF. 

II. Essay I (500 words maximum)

Describe a project that you would like to make (direct/write/etc.) in the BFA program. Good responses should consider the budget and resources of a self-financed student film. Explain why any particular genre/style/approach is important to you as a filmmaker/artist. You are encouraged to discuss important films and directors as influences to support your explanation. What influences outside film and television (literature, art, music, theatre, humanities, social sciences, etc.) have inspired you and why?

III. Essay II (250 words maximum)

Filmmaking often requires collaboration and teamwork. Please list activities that may not be reflected in your creative pages. Describe how these activities exemplify your ability to work with others, contribute to a team or accept criticism. UCF values good citizenship and community partnerships. Describe any activities that illustrate how you interact with or explore the local community or beyond.

IV. Creative Work (1 optional film/video and a maximum of 10 pages of other work)

The goal of the sophomore portfolio is to create original works that exemplify the artistry, foundational knowledge, theoretical underpinnings and production skills that you have obtained in UCF’s film program during your first two years of study. You may submit class assignments, but we are also looking for work you have done outside of class that synthesizes what you have learned.

Provide samples of any creative work that is relevant to the art or process of filmmaking. Be cautious about including work that is not clearly related to film or obviously “cinematic.” For instance, it may be difficult to evaluate your potential as a filmmaker if you submit poetry. The following items are examples of the kinds of work that can be included (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Film/Video (Optional)*
  • Writing (entire works or excerpts): e.g. screenplay, stage play, short story etc.
  • Photographs and imagery: e.g. film stills, previsualization, visual studies, storyboards, production design, etc.

*The optional film/video submission must be 3 minutes or less in total running time (including credits). Make it clear what role(s) you filled in the making of the project (e.g. director, cinematographer, editor, screenwriter, etc.). Use the following template as an example for naming your media files: “YOUR-NAME_TITLE_YOUR-ROLE.mp4”. Do not use spaces or symbols, and use only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. Carefully follow all file specifications listed on the Acceptd website.

Portfolio Tips

  • Keep your portfolio short and strong. A concise portfolio of your best work is most effective.
  • Keep your video or sound projects short and strong. Less is always more.
  • If you submit a film/video project, make clear your role on the project, especially if there are joint credits given to more than one person.

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