Digital Media and IST M&S MS student Christopher Webb completed research with Dr. Maria Harrington, defended a MS thesis last Spring, and is publishing and presenting at ITSEC 2024. The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) is the world’s largest modeling, simulation and training event. The actual thesis is set to become public May 2025 on the UCF STARS database.
Webb earned a Master of Science in Modeling and Simulation in 2024 from the University of Central Florida. Since 2010, he has served as an Army Officer and now serves as an Army Simulations Officer as of 2019. His research interests include understanding the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) as it relates to informal learning, stress preparation, task performance and transfer.
Webb discusses what the thesis is about, what intrigued him about the subject, and tells us what he has learned throughout the process.
What is the thesis about?
“The thesis was called Operation D.A.R.T. (Designing Augmented Reality for Transfer). It was largely a study on the impact of culture adjustment on BCT attrition. It was split into several stages:
- Crafting a feasible solution that addresses attrition at Basic Combat Training (BCT) using an interdisciplinary approach.
- Designing and protype a learning environment that:
- Capitalizes on the affordances typically associated with digital learning technologies and informal learning.
- Mirrors the tasks and cultures associated with BCT.
- Designing and pilot a research design that:
- Evaluates learning
- Evaluates subjective evaluation
- Transfer
- Evaluates usability of the Informal learning environment
As it relates to the methodology:
- It was a Pilot Study
- Pretest-posttest control group design
- Between subject design
- Mixed Methods
- Objectives: Comparing transfer to performance and the separate conditions.
- Control Condition - No AR
- Experimental Condition– AR
- Measurements: Learning, subjective evaluation, Transfer
- Measurement Instruments: Surveys, perceived stress scale survey, Tests, Think Aloud
What intrigued you about this particular subject?
“My research interests also include understanding the effectiveness of informal learning technologies to include VR and AR. This was a way to address an issue that could benefit both the Army and the larger informal learning community.”
What did you learn during the process of this research?
“The findings of this pilot study which suggest that there were strong trends between the AR condition as it relates to understanding the US Army rank structure. Additionally, subjects within this condition expressed higher levels of concern related to homesickness and had more encouraging rankings in regard to the utility of AR to help with stress and anxiety. Additionally, there were some interesting correlations found within the control group that were not present in the AR condition.
I learned a couple of things from this research that may be helpful to someone with a similar approach to research.
- Set realistic objectives. There were several instances in which curriculum and information within the app was omitted to make the project manageable.
- Build a team. There were several people that assisted me in this study with audio clips, guidance, coding, and even testing.
- Let your research guide you. I initially started with the broad scope of understanding culture within BCT and attrition. However, I soon realized that this research was applicable to a variety of fields. Culture adjustment can occur in any new situation! I believe that informal learning technologies (through their affordances) can help better prepare people for new situations.”
Webb is grateful to all of those who has been with him throughout the process. “I would like to thank everyone that helped me throughout this process to include my family, committee members and my colleagues. I would like to offer a special thanks to my advisor and committee chair, Dr. Maria Harrington, who provided her time, mentorship and expertise!”
State New Hampshire Employee Assistance Program (n.d.). Perceived Stress Scale. Retrieved March 7, 2024, from https://www.das.nh.gov/wellness/Docs/Percieved%20Stress%20Scale.pdf
Webb, C.M. (2024). Operation D.A.R.T. (Designing Augmented Reality for Transfer). Operation D.A.R.T. (Designing Augmented Reality for Transfer). University of Central Florida. Improving Preparedness for Basic Combat Training Candidates
Written by Majdulina Hamed.
Published to Nicholson News on September 3rd, 2024.
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