Matthew Mosher

Matthew Mosher creates intermedia artworks and experiential systems that bridge the physical and digital worlds.

These systems manifest as interactive sculptures, immersive installations, and choreographed performance pieces. His work blends new media, physical computing, relational aesthetics, computer programming, and traditional sculpture processes. He uses microprocessors and visual programming languages to embed sensing technologies into constructed wooden, welded metal, and 3D printed forms. Much of his practice pertains to mapping inputs and outputs. These works engage viewers with audio and visual feedback, enticing them to become participants. Ultimately, he chooses his media and materials based on what will best support the concept of the piece and convey the message of the work.

With a background in furniture design Mosher is interested in how the body adapts to physical spaces, and how embodied gesture can generate meaning for an audience. Conceptually, his work examines current political issues, interpersonal relationships, and the role of technology in each. He strives to make work that inspires reflection and discussion of topics ranging from consumerism to gun violence and from in-person to social media relationships. His research asks, “How might we use data visualization techniques and experiential systems design to engage the public with complex social issues?” And, “How might we utilize art to foster empathy and a shared experience between diverse groups that would otherwise not engage with each other?” By asking these questions, his work prompts people to explore their own relationships to art and other members of society. His goal is to promote dialogue and empower people to see the world from a different perspective. He views art as a driver for social change through critique of social constructs. His current research implements new and old sculpture techniques to create 3D data visualization of gun violence in the United States. He is also developing a web app that will let people save and share audio narratives into physical objects, like family heirlooms, old photographs, and travel souvenirs.

Recent Projects

Below are images from several recent projects by Professor Mosher:

Female using a touch screen monitor with collage of lips on screen

Male interacting with projection screen

Male interacting with projection screen
Male interacting with projection screen
Male interacting with projection screen