Communication challenges during mass evacuations, managing the risk communication in a culturally diverse workplace and bridging the gap between health risks and perception are but three of the topics to be discussed at the 2019 International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference scheduled for March 11-13. The conference will be held at the Marriott Downtown Orlando.
Communication academicians and industry practitioners will “bridge the gaps” in their research, training and practical experiences during the annual conference.
“I am proud of the fact that we bring together faculty, students, and practicing professionals from across the U.S. and globe to focus specifically on solving real-world problems regarding crisis and risk communication for two highly concentrated days,” said Deanna Sellnow, Ph.D., professor and conference steering committee member. “I believe the conversations and collaborations that happen ultimately help save lives.”
A series of breakout sessions, poster presentations, keynote addresses and receptions will allow guests to network and build collaborative relationships.
“I believe the way we have structured our keynote speakers (from the academy) and invited speaker responses (from industry) will encourage interactive exchanges throughout the conference,” said Sellnow. “I also believe our opening networking event will move us toward these goals. Finally, I believe the poster session approach we are taking with an opening session followed by additional opportunities during networking breaks makes this year even better than years gone by.”
A truly international conference, attendees hail from more than 30 countries including Nigeria, Australia, China and Sweden. The diversity of people and experiences only increases the wealth of knowledge shared each year.
“Every year I am impressed with the synergy that develops among the national and international faculty, the practitioners, and the graduate students,” said Tim Sellnow, Ph.D., professor and member of the conference’s steering committee. “This is the only conference that blends these audiences for the study and practice of crisis and risk communication.”
To learn more about the conference, visit icrcconference.com. Hotel rooms may be reserved at http://sciences.ucf.edu/communication/icrc/about/accommodations/