Devon Orand is the new Broadcast Specialist for the Nicholson School’s Film program. Born in Wichita, Kansas, he’s had a camera in his hands since he was knee-high to a grasshopper.
“I was constantly making shorts and random clips with my friends,” Orand said. “This caused me to pursue it more in high school. By the time I was in college, I surrounded myself in film by working at my school’s equipment room, going to class, selling cameras at Best Buy and was on set literally every weekend.”
He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Video from Santa Fe University of Art and Design in Santa Fe, New Mexico and received an Associate of Applied Science degree in Cinematography from the Colorado Film School in Denver, Colorado.
His advice for those interested in pursuing film is about the contacts one makes.
“Every experience can assist you on your career and make your contacts and keep them,” said Orand. “You never know who will help you along the way, and it is important to keep the door open for future opportunities.”
In his free time, Orand enjoys spending time with his girlfriend and two dogs. He loves the Indiana Jones series, and pretty much anything Spielberg.
Orand has worked as a freelance lighting electrician and in film equipment rental houses across the Rocky Mountain region.
“Over the past few years, I have worked for theme parks and entertainment sales, and I’m very glad that I have found my way back to a Film School,” said Orand. “These past 3 months have been absolutely fantastic and my team is the best!”
Orand is very excited for the future of the program and can’t wait to assist the film students with all of their projects and future careers!
Additionally, if any film school students qualify for Federal Work Study, he is the person to contact. His email is Devon.Orand@ucf.edu.
Published April 1, 2021. Written by Iulia Popescu.
If you have any news, accomplishments or highlights about your work or life, please be sure to share them with us, by emailing us at nicholsonews@ucf.edu.