On Wednesday, April 12th, international leaders via the State Department paid a visit to the Nicholson School of Communication and Media and UCF Global. Guest speakers included:

  • Katie Coronado, Associate Instructor and Assistant Director of Communication and Outreach at NSCM
  • Gabrielle Jarmoszko, Social Media Professor at NSCM
  • Mark Hartman, Director for International Recruitment and Partnerships UCF Global
  • Nataly Chandia Associate Vice President UCF Global

During the event, guests had the opportunity to network with the guest speakers. After introductions, Chandia discussed what is UCF Global and Hartman talked about promoting student recruitment efforts and exploring mutually beneficial partnerships with community. Then, Coronado gives an overview about the Nicholson School of Communication and Media and goes into detail about the journalism program. Jarmoszko also gives an overview of social media within NSCM. Coronado concludes the event with a Q & A for all of the guest speakers and thanks everyone for coming.



By Majdulina Hamed.

Published to Nicholson News on May 5th, 2023.

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