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FIEA Welcomes the New Year with its First Game Making Competition
FIEA Welcomes the New Year with its First Game Making Competition
Feb 09, 2024
This past month, FIEA gathered 28 teams of students and professional game developers to compete in its first game jam. These competitions challenge participants to...
FIEA Cohort 19 Capstone Game Presentations at Downtown Campus
FIEA Cohort 19 Capstone Game Presentations at Downtown Campus
Aug 02, 2023
Four groups from FIEA’s Cohort 19 will be presenting their capstone projects that will be released soon on STEAM to download and play. The presentations...
Director's Honor Roll Students Recognized at Luncheon
Communication FIEA Film and Mass Media Games and Interactive Media Students
Director's Honor Roll Students Recognized at Luncheon
May 05, 2023
On Friday, April 7th, NSCM held its first Director’s Honor Roll Luncheon here on the Main (Legacy) Campus, from 12:00pm – 2:00pm, in NSC 228. ...

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