The seventeenth annual Come Out with Pride Festival was held last month, on October 9, in Lake Eola Park from 12 to 9 p.m. It was the first time back since the COVID-19 pandemic.
The festival took place during LGBTQ History month and celebrated equality for those in the community. NSCM Senior Associate Director of Finance, HR, Operations and Communication, Boyd Lindsley, Ed.D., explains the importance of the event for people in the LGBTQ community like himself.
“Pride is important as it honors the blood, sweat and tears of those in the community who have fought – for decades – for many of our rights, including our right to simply exist,” Lindsley said. “The queer community is a beautiful one and it deserves to be celebrated.”
Thousands of people filled the sidewalks as the grand parade made its way through Downtown Orlando. Floats were filled with rainbow decorations and signs showing off pride. Beaded necklaces and other memorabilia were thrown out to people in the crowds.
Throughout the day, many had the chance to watch a variety of shows, which included different recognizable drag queens. Tons of vendors lined up at the park, selling food, clothing and different products out to the public. An assortment of well-known nonprofits also made an appearance at the festival.
Third year psychology student, Lindsey Olivera, shared her experience at the event, foreshadowing that the future of the event is looking bright.
“It was such a great time getting to go to my first Pride festival,” Olivera said. “You can tell that it’s a place of inclusion for everyone where the people you run into are super kind and colorful. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next year’s festival. I will most definitely be there!”
Published November 1, 2021. Written by Jacqueline Cardentey.
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