Nicholson School of Communication and Media professors Ann Miller, Ph.D., Lisa Peterson and Bridget Rubenking, Ph.D. are continuing an exciting winning streak of Faculty Excellence’s Teaching Incentive Program Awards. The Nicholson School averages two winners each year and has had 25 winners in the past eight years.
“NSCM has a strong tradition of excellence in teaching and I’m honored to have received this award that many other NSCM faculty have received over the years,” Rubenking said. “I strive to provide my students worthwhile learning experiences that they’ll take out of the classroom with them and it feels great to have that effort recognized.”
The University of Central Florida’s Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. Each academic year, UCF makes available up to 55 TIP awards that honor outstanding faculty for their commitment to teaching, research and scholarship. It distinguishes faculty contributions to the university’s goals of providing the best undergraduate education available in Florida and earning international distinction in key programs of graduate study.
The TIP award, among other awards, is coordinated by Faculty Excellence, whose mission is “to support and strengthen faculty through recruitment, development and retention of outstanding scholars and educators.”
“At the heart of a great university are the faculty, and at UCF we have amazing faculty,” Jana Jasinski, Ph.D. said, Pegasus Professor and Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence. “Every day UCF faculty develop and implement innovative teaching strategies to provide opportunities for our students to grow and learn. Awards such as the TIP award are one way to recognize our faculty for their work both in and out of the classroom.”
Miller expressed her gratitude to the school for providing a professional and a learning environment.
“Most of us have lots of background in our particular subject area, but not much training in how to teach,” Miller said. “It’s been, honestly, a career-long project for me to figure out how to do that better. Fortunately, working in NSCM I am in the midst of some of the best teachers in the university; I’ve got lots of inspiration!”
Peterson encourages faculty to reach out and join Faculty Excellence’s efforts.
“I would urge faculty to serve on the TIP award committee,” Peterson said. “It’s a great way to see what your peers are up to, pick up ideas and strategies and discover a perspective that helps you present your work in its best light in your TIP application.”