Author Archives: johannym

Define your own happiness and radiate it

Happiness is the mental and emotional state of mind of being content or joyous with ourselves and our surroundings. Happiness is the pleasant feelings one associates with the smiley face. Happiness is a choice and we have the ability to …

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There is still Good in this world, stop focusing on the Bad.

Tomorrow is never promised, today is a gift, a blessing, and life is a privilege that many people choose to take advantage of. While some take for granted all that they have others have lost it all. An example of …

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Without electricity, we have nothing.

There are seven billion people on earth who use energy each day. Without energy one would not be able to do even the most simplest of tasks like cooking, washing clothes or even having light inside of our homes. The …

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With Your help and Ambert alert we can find any missing child.

This morning I was awoken by my sisters dog Bella barking loudly. I felt as though Bella’s barking was coming from within my dream but I soon realized she had been barking from outside the house. I woke up confused …

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Why wearing your seatbelt is important

The other day I watched a video on the safeties of wearing our seat belts while in a vehicle. This video showed the difference between commercials in the US and in Europe persuading the use of a seat belt. In …

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What your body language says about you

Your body language may say more than you may think it does. Your unconscious body language is what can give away your emotions in any given situation. I believe that our eyes are the windows to our souls and our …

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Imagine being bullied every day, what would you do?

Imagine getting beat up every day at school for no reason, by your classmates or maybe even by an adult. You come home with bruises, cuts and dried up blood. Can you imagine that? Or if you are a girl, …

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Communication is the key to a successful beginning.

Communication is an important asset of life. Communication skills are essential in all aspects of life, a job interview, working with others, and even in school. From the moment we are born we start communicating. As newborns we cry when …

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Argentinas delicious Mate tea

Recently I have become very intrigued with the Argentinian culture. My brother in law is from there and we are planning a huge family trip to go visit my nephews other culture. Argentina is not only known for tango dancing, …

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That text message can either be your last or it can wait.

Florida laws do not prohibit texting while driving, yet more and more car accidents are caused by careless drivers who are distracted by texting while operating a vehicle. Is that text message worth an accident? Is it worth your life? …

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