Rufus Barfield, Ph.D.
Associate Professor -
Jorri Bright
Instructor -
Lawrence Clark
Visiting Instructor -
Jonathan Conway
Associate Instructor and Director of Forensics -
Melissa Dodd, Ph.D.
Associate Professor -
Michelle Dusseau, Ph.D.
Associate Lecturer and COS Faculty Fellow for Student Engagement -
Christine Hanlon, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer -
Sally Hastings, Ph.D.
Professor -
Lindsay Hudock
Senior Instructor and Ad/PR Program Coordinator -
Gabrielle Gabby Jarmoszko
Instructor -
Jihyun Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor -
Renata Kolodziej-Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Lecturer -
Gary LaPage
Associate Instructor -
Xialing Lin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor -
Boyd Lindsley, Ed.D.
Instructor -
Robert S. Littlefield, Ph.D.
Professor -
Jonathan Matusitz, Ph.D.
Professor -
Jim McCafferty, Ph.D.
Lecturer -
Ann Miller, Ph.D.
Professor and Graduate Programs in Communication Program Coordinator -
George Musambira, Ph.D.
Associate Professor -
Steve Neel
Associate Instructor -
Adam Parrish, Ph.D.
Lecturer, and GEP and Undergraduate Communication Programs Coordinator -
Suzanne Prentiss, Ph.D.
Lecturer -
Jennifer Sandoval, Ph.D.
Associate Professor -
Patric Spence, Ph.D.
Professor -
Michael Strawser
Associate Professor -
Jamie Vega
Lecturer -
Harry Weger, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Director, Communication -
Karisa Workman
Associate Instructor -
David Young
Instructor -
Nan Yu, Ph.D.
Interim Director and Professor