Harry and His Pursuit of Happiness October 30, 2018 Communication Faculty The Nicholson School of Communication and Media professor Harry Weger,Ph.D. had always wondered if active listening was effective when having a conversation with another person….
Retired NSCM Faculty Member Finishes Strong October 4, 2018 Communication Faculty Although James Katt, Ph.D., retired this summer, his work is still having an impact. The National Communication Association recently announced that Katt was this year’s recipient…
NSCM Advisory Board Honors Communication Professor October 4, 2018 Communication Faculty Nicholson School of Communication and Media (NSCM) Associate Professor Ann Miller, Ph.D., is no stranger to awards and recognition. Miller’s most recent accolade was the…
Nicholson Faculty Continue Winning Streak August 27, 2018 Communication Faculty Nicholson School of Communication and Media professors Ann Miller, Ph.D., Lisa Peterson and Bridget Rubenking, Ph.D. are continuing an exciting winning streak of Faculty Excellence’s Teaching…
Oxley Honored By College of Sciences April 29, 2018 Staff After working in the Nicholson School of Communication for only five years, Eve-Lyndssa Oxley has received a College of Sciences USPS Recognition Award for her exceptional work with staff,…