Celebrate the Arts Panel Talks Career Advice June 28, 2019 Alumni FIEA Games and Interactive Media UCF’s fifth annual Celebrate the Arts, which took place April 5-14, 2019, showcased interactive displays of student artworks and included events such as alumni socials,…
Falbo’s Film ‘Postal’ Wins Over Audience June 28, 2019 Alumni Film and Mass Media Everyone has experienced frustration while on the phone with a company’s customer service line, feeling helpless and getting more irritated by the minute as the…
Alumna Follows Grandfather’s Patriotic Footsteps June 28, 2019 Alumni Rachel Petrik’s day-to-day will soon be packed with activities like riding in a helicopter to draft a will on a carrier ship as she embarks…
Nike’s ‘Dreams Further’ Ad is One Knight’s Dream Come True June 28, 2019 Alumni Film and Mass Media “Don’t change your dream, change the world,” is the ending phrase of Nike’s newest Women’s World Cup advertisement, produced by Katie McCain ’07. McCain, an…
Film Alum Nominated for Sports Emmy June 28, 2019 Alumni Uncategorized Corey Frost, a 2010 NSCM film alumnus, was focused on scripted filmmaking until his senior year at UCF, when professor Lisa Mills pushed him to…
Alumna Advances Career May 1, 2019 Alumni Communication Toni-Ann Burke ’17 recently accepted a position as a public relations and communication affairs specialist with CareerSource Center Florida. To students who may not be…
Alumna Bestowed Coveted Oolite Arts Residency May 1, 2019 Alumni Film and Mass Media Oolite Arts announced its two first cinematic arts residents, and one of them just so happens to be proud NSCM alumna Monica Sorelle, ‘12. A…
The Blair Witch Project: 20 Years Worth of Advice April 25, 2019 Alumni Communication Film and Mass Media Robin Cowie, Michael Monello, Dan Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez and Ben Rock were once all aspiring film makers at UCF, who partnered up with one another…
NSCM Alumna Named One of American Advertising Federation’s Most Promising Multicultural Students April 5, 2019 Alumni Communication Students Uncategorized Leah Santiago, a 2018 graduate of NSCM’s advertising/public relations (Ad/PR) program, was named as one of the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) Most Promising Multicultural…
Film Student Gets Teaching Award March 5, 2019 Alumni Film and Mass Media Jason Gregory, a graduate teaching assistant at the Nicholson School of Communication and Media, has been chosen as the College of Arts and Humanities 2018-2019…